1H0 959 142
A/C System Cut-Off Relay 1997-2005 5 pin relay
Bentley reference 147
1C0 945 511A-VW
Brake Light Switch 2001-2005
4 pin electrical plug
Latest version, this is the 7th revision of this problematic part
1C0 945 511A-AFT
Brake Light Switch 2001-2005
4 pin electrical plug
Latest version, this is the 7th revision of this problematic part.
431 951 253F
Close Contact Relay 1992-2005
Used for several different functions on many model years.
Original units were orange in color. New ones are normally gray.
7D0 947 563A
Door Contact Switch 1999-2005
Located on door jamb (A-pillar)
357 937 039
Fuse Panel & Relay Block 1992-2005 Main relay plate and fuse box
The illustration shows fuses on the board however, no fuses nor any relays are included with the bare circuit board.
1C0 953 235D
Hazard Flasher Switch-Amber Dash Lighting 1999-2003 For later vehicles with amber colored dash lighting. Earlier models have green dash lighting but, the green version is no longer available.
Original button on this switch was flat-faced, and the new replacement is now a triangle push-button, as VW has superseded this switch to a newer part number.
7D0 941 531A
HeadLight Switch w/o Foglights 1997-2003 ***NO LONGER AVAILABLE*** JUNE 2015: NO LONGER AVAILABLE, DISCONTINUED BY VW
For models with daytime driving lights & NO foglights
7D0 941 531
HeadLight Switch with Fog Lights 1997-2003***NO LONGER AVAILABLE*** JUNE 2015: THIS SWITCH HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED BY VW
For models with daytime driving lights & fog lights
N 105 283 01
Key/Alarm Transmitter Battery Set 2001-2005 Eurovan Set of 2 x 3.0V Lithium batteries
VW dealers sells these batteries individually for $5.03 each x 2 or $10.06
Your cost is $2.88 for the pair.
4H0 951 253A
Multi Function Relay 4-pin (53) 1992-2005
This relay could be any of several part numbers, as it has been superseded on many occasions by VW.
8K0 953 253, 141 951 253B, 701 919 505, 4H0 951 253A
3A0 927 181
Park Neutral Position Relay 1992-2005
PNP relay aka as starter relay
701 919 506A
Radiator Fan Control Relay/Module 1992-2005 Controls both radiator cooling fans
N 017 125 1
Radiator Fan Strip Fuse-50 Amp 1992-2005 Metal strip fuse 50 amp
7D0 953 513C
Turn Signal Switch with Cruise 1997-2005 ***NO LONGER AVAILABLE***
Only for models with cruise control
7D0 959 855
Window Switch 1997-2005
2 on left door and 1 on right door
191 955 531
Wiper Relay(19)-Non Programmable 1992-2005
Non-programmable intermittent wiper relay for front windshield.
19 on end of relay
This relay has a fixed time delay period
7D0 953 519A
Wiper Switch with Multi-Function Feature 1997-1998 NO LONGER AVAILABLE-DISCONTINUED BY VW
Only for models with Multi-Function/Memory switch
191 937 503
X Contact Relay 1992-2003 40 AMP
4 pin
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