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Transmission Adapter Plug Housing 2002-2014
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Transmission Adapter Plug Housing - Genuine Mercedes 2002-2022

A very common source of A/T fluid leaks.   This is the third and most recent revision of this part. This part is manufactured by the OEM supplier to Mercedes.

This part interfaces with the OEM Conductor Plate, shown below....

Here is a link to a You Tube video of the replacement procedure for this problematic part.  It was done on a Mercedes SLK but, this unit is used on many automatic transmissions in series 722.6     https://youtu.be/QvwxeCy8xRQ
Part Number:  203 540 02 53-MB
Europarts Price:
Detailed Description
Sprinter I 2002-2006
Sprinter II 2007-2020 3.5L Gas & 3.0L V6  (Not for 4 cylinder models)
Sprinter III 2019-2022 3.0L V6  (Not for 4 cylinder models)

Located above sump pan in the forward area on right side of transmission. Easy to replace, single 7mm hex head screw holds this unit in place

Includes both O-ring seals, which are not sold as a separate item.

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