Charge Air Hose - Turbocharger to Intercooler 3.0L V6 Diesel - Genuine Mercedes 2010-2022
This Genuine Mercedes hose is located on Driver's side.
This hose fits both the 2007-2018 NCV3 and the 2019-2022 V6 with the OM642 engine configuration.
To see the other related hose for the opposite side of the intercooler, CLICK HERE.
This hose is also available as a set of two, for both sides, see below. Free USA shipping on the two hose kit.
Detailed Description
Sprinter II 2010-2020 3.0L V6 diesel Sprinter III 20192022 3.0L V6 diesel
This hose uses special retainers on both ends and is only used on BlueTec engines, 2010 and later.
This is the longer of the two charge-air hoses, and is manufactured of a dark grey silicone material. This material, by nature, tends to sweat some oil on the outside of the hose. This is entirely normal for silicone, as it is permeable and will allow a little oil to pass thru the pores of the hose wall. This will occur both with the hose that we sell, and also the original silicone hose from Mercedes Benz, which is manufactured by Hutchison, in France.
Nearly all other charge air hoses used by Mercedes on all Sprinters, are made from EPDM, which is normally a black rubber compound. This is the only hose that we are aware of that is made from silicone.