Mercedes-Benz Genuine Diesel additive to prevent injector contamination.
• Keeps injectors free of residues and contamination and prevents them from sticking.
• Protects against injector wear.
• Lower fuel consumption and maximum engine performance.
Use Fill before refueling. Metering: contents are sufficient for 1 tankful or approx. 60l. Remove the screw cap; attach the screw-on spout. Pour the entire bottle contents into the tank filler neck.
Container type: 100 ml tin can with screw-on spout.
Application: Prevention of injector contamination on MB cars with diesel engines.
For cleaning the entire intake system. Suitable only for use in diesel engines!
A high-tech mixture of cleaning agents for removing deposits and byproducts from the intake manifold and throttle body of diesel engines. Dissolves and removes deposits and contaminents such as oil, dirt, carbon residue, etc. Restores normal function of moving parts. Increases reliability in all diesel engines.
Diesel Purge contains a mixture of agents with powerful cleaning properties. The special additives guarantee corrosion protection and increase ignition performance (Cetane number).
Add to your current or fresh engine oil. Helps to protect engine against wear and tear from all of the internal moving parts.
Cera Tec is a high-tech ceramic wear protection product for all motor oils. Cera Tec reduces friction and wear due to ceramic compounds that withstand extremely high chemical and thermal loads. Prevents direct metal-to-metal contact, thus increasing the engine service life. The low-friction effect reduces fuel consumption in gasoline and diesel engines.
Safely irradicates deposits and sludge from the entire lubrication system to keep your engine running cleaner and longer. To be used before performing an oil change.
Reduces oil consumption via the piston rings and valve guides. Prevents blue, smoky exhaust fumes. Regenerates engine seals made of plastic and rubber. Prevents pollution of the environment due to oil dripping from the engine.
Cleans the entire cooling system and removes oily deposits caused by blown cylinder head gaskets or internally leaking oil coolers and protects against corrosion/rust.
Cleans thoroughly and prevents deposits from forming in fuel systems and combustion chambers. Keeps the injectors clean and guarantees improved engine combustion leading to a lower specific fuel consumption and the maximum engine performance.
Prevents seizing and the injector needles from gumming up. Increases the lubrication action of diesel fuels low in sulfur (low sulfur diesel in accordance with DIN EN 590) and protects distributor injector pumps from wear. Increases the Cetane number of diesel fuel, leading to a smooth and gentle combustion process. Contains antioxidant and prevents corrosion. Compatible with all modern diesel oxidation catalytic converters.
Industrial Grade Carbon Remover - Great for cleaning EGR valves.
With the TUNAP XGel Cleaning Technology, carbon-based contamination on the EGR valves and in the intake and exhaust system can be quickly removed. The unique XGel technology dissolves carbon contamination extremely quickly. The outstanding surface adhesion and coating properties ensure a very short penetration time and excellent dirt removal.